A Booming Hy Vee....
We use to have an old Hy vee in Owatonna, but new we have a bigger and better Hy vee. The plan came about 2007 and the project ended this year of March. This new Hy vee is a third bigger then the old Hy vee. Director of Hy vee Max Dains said "the new store is 72,000 square feet, a 48,000 square-foot box. " Dains said he also hired an extra 150 people and will be hiring more later on in the year. Wow! thats amazing, because it took a lot to make this new Hy vee and now they are hiring extra people. Looks like Hy vee as a brighter future. They are also planning on building a gas station. I retrieved my information from http://www.owatonna.com/news.php?viewStory=32640